Wednesday, February 12, 2014

That was close- I almost had to parent

No offence intended. That's honestly what I hear from people who have no idea what to do with their children.

In a culture that outsources a lot of childcare, this thinking is pretty common. At least in my town. People who get snow days all of a sudden have no idea how to be a parent to their child- because, let's face it, they haven't had to since maternity leave 5+ years ago.

It's hard for me to understand what life must be like for them. How can a person not know what to do with their own kids for a few hours while they are awake? I'm not talking about doing perfect Martha Stewart crafts with them- but like- I don't know, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a four year old. Playing a game with a two year old. Little things. It just blows my mind that these aren't daily occurrences in their households. Granted there are exceptions but I'm talking about the people I have heard admit they don't know how to be a parent because they're never home. How sad.

You know where I stand on staying home. I won't even go there.

I write on it so much because although it's hard, terrible and I have sooo many not-so-great moments where I am covered in someone else's body fluids- I know no one can replace my influence in my little guy's life. Yes, even wiping up vomit is a way to love on him.

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