Two things I want to share that could use all the prayers- vibes- thoughts I have right now:
1- A new job situation may have opened up for my husband and me. On top of his full time job and me working at home, he found a part time we may be able to do together from home after my son is asleep at night or on the weekends. I may be able to quit taking custom orders from people for sewing if it works out. Also- we wouldn't have to struggle month to month with medical bills and grocery needs like we do right now. His current full time job isn't enough for three people to live on, so this part time position from home would be a God-send. Fingers crossed!
2- Kind of going off that, I've had health problems for the past 7 years going from one doctor to another. I see a new specialist in a couple of months and could use any thoughts or vibes sent my way that this person can finally help me. It would be nice to have energy and the physical strength to keep up with my son everyday.
We work hard- harder than hard. We both have college degrees, we both have a strong work ethic- it's annoying to me when people assume our situation can be fixed easily. We don't have family to help. With the economy the way it is, it's no wonder most people who are on the edge of bankruptcy are there due to medical bills or unavoidable hospital visits. Just a pet peeve of mine. Especially being young parents who have not had two incomes for ten years before having children- we don't have that cushion to fall back on. For once it would be nice to NOT worry about how we're going to pay for groceries or if we can make the mortgage payment or not.
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